marco Tavanti, Ph.D.Chief executive officer (CEO)Dr. Marco Tavanti has over 30 years of experience working for sustainable development and poverty alleviation projects in Europe, East Africa, Latin America, North America and Southeast Asia. He is CEO of SDG-services, President of Sustainable Capacity International SCI-Institute, and co-founder of the World Engagement We-Institute. He is Professor of Nonprofit Management and Global Leadership at University of San Francisco and serves as sustainable development and indigenous rights expert for the United Nations and other international organizations. His scholarship explores and promotes cross-cultural, anti-corruption and sustainability in relation to the UN Global Compact and the Principles of Responsible Management Education.
elizabeth A. wilp, ms/medchief sustainability officer (CSO)Ms. Elizabeth (Liz) Wilp, MS, MEd has over 25 years professional experience in leading organizations and programs for social sustainability and educational inclusion solutions in programs and nonprofit management. Through various international experiences in Europe, West Africa, South East Asia and Latin America, Liz has acquired expertise in developing effective cross-cultural educational programs adapted to diverse learners and populations in need. She is the Executive Vice President for the European-based Sustainable Capacity international Institute ( and the affiliated US-based where she provides sustainability leadership research and coordination for the capacity development. Her area of expertise is large-scale multi-sector partnerships, sustainable development education, cross-cultural communication and inclusive learning.
Mitákuye Oyás'iŋ